ST64 TWILIGHT SENSOR filament lamp outdoor lighting diameter 6.4 cm LED E27 1x4W 2200K amber
If you are looking for affordable light, is the right place for you. Buy this ST64 TWILIGHT SENSOR filament lamp outdoor lighting diameter 6.4 cm LED E27 1x4W 2200K amber and we will deliver it to you quickly and with the greatest care. You can also contact us for multiple items or professional purchases. Contact us via chat, email or telephone and you will be convinced by our expertise and service.
Specifications ST64 TWILIGHT SENSOR filament lamp outdoor lighting diameter 6.4 cm LED E27 1x4W 2200K amber:
- Material: Glass
- Fixture color: Amber
- Diameter: 6.4cm
- Width: 6.4 cm
- Height: 14.6 cm
- Length: 6.4cm
- Number of light points: 1
- Lamp connection: E27
- Maximum wattage per lamp: 4
- IP class: 20
Order this ST64 TWILIGHT SENSOR filament lamp outdoor lighting diameter 6.4 cm LED E27 1x4W 2200K amber at My Planet LED. Fast and free shipping in Benelux, France and Germany. We are also happy to help professionals (B2B) with an extensive professional range, free lighting advice, unique tailor-made articles and all this with the strongest margins! Read more about our professional partnerships. Do you have any questions? Contact us by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (+32) 57 466 866 for more information about this ST64 TWILIGHT SENSOR filament lamp outdoor lighting diameter 6.4 cm LED E27 1x4W 2200K amber.
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